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A new must-read book and important meme: Exponential Organizations (Salim Ismail, Yuri van Geest, Mike Malone)

I have been browsing the first 2 chapters of this new book (ETA late September 2014), kindly provided by my friend and Futures Agency colleague Yuri van Geest, and it's very powerful stuff. On my end, I have already started riffing off the ‘exponential organisations' – meme in my keynotes and talks:)  I predict that this theme will become a key topic in the next 18 months,  so – check out the book, for sure! | Exponential Organizations.


For hundreds of years, traditional business structures have put an organizational/legal boundary around an asset or a workforce and ‘sold' access to that scarcity. However, just In the last few years, a new breed of organizational structure is emerging that is able to scale at unimaginable rates – we call these Exponential Organizations (ExOs). These new organization structures are leveraging a newly available set of externalities like big data, community, the crowd or accelerating technologies and by doing so, are performing 10x better than their peers in the same space. In the first half of the book, we examine these revolutionary structures and detail the ten characteristics and attributes of ExOs – five external elements and five internal organizational strategies. The second half of the book is a how-to guide: How can you build a startup with these principles? How could you apply them to a mid-market company? How can you retrofit these ideas into large organisations? We are seeing a transformation in business that hasn't been seen in several hundred years – the future will be owned by this new breed of Exponential Organizations. How scalable is your organization? Is it an ExO? We have provided a complimentary diagnostic survey that will assign you an Exponential Quotient (ExQ) score based on answers about your business….

Here is a short video on ‘understanding exponentiality' excerpted from one of my recent keynotes:

And, as usual, some related images I have been using on this very topic….

Screenshot 2014-08-14 10.38.50 Screenshot 2014-08-14 10.38.45 Screenshot 2014-08-14 10.38.41 fey osborne robits ai jobs BpzNbMECYAAq-JK martecs_law_600 exponential org exponential knowledge curve gerd futurist flipped vuca and exponential 3 billion middle class exponential gerd leonhard exponential growth AI Big Data Gerd leonhard sparks jobs not invented yet education8exponentialtrendse ultra exponential gerd blind spot exponential ExponentialGrowthofComputing






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