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The Futures Agency presents: a conversation with Yuri van Geest and Gerd Leonhard: exponential organisations and the future of telcos and ICT

This is the latest ‘TFA presents' video, #4,  featuring my friend and fellow Futures Agency member Yuri van Geest, co-author of the must-read book ‘Exponential Organisations' and Singularity University NL ambassador, for more details see and me. We are discussing how exponential technology is changing business, and how it will drive telecom and ICT companies to innovate faster (or not:)  Thanks to Christopher Marks for working on this video.

Some related images

exponential brain human DUP401-Figure-2 storage cost performance exponential exponential_logarithmic_gap 2 linear vs exponential exponent org exponential technological changes exponential tech linear people exponential knowledge curve exponential changes valley death 3 billion middle class exponential gerd leonhard ultra exponential gerd





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