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The future of media, publishing, advertising: a conversation with Yuri van Geest and Gerd Leonhard (TFA presents #5)

This is the latest addition to ‘The Futures Agency presents‘, featuring a conversation with Yuri van Geest and me.  Yuri is the co-author of the must-read book ‘Exponential Organisations' and Singularity University NL ambassador, for more details see and futurist Gerd Leonhard   Yuri and me discuss the key trends in media, content, publishing, entertainment and advertising. Special thanks to Christopher Marks for shooting and producing this video, and to Sanoma NL for hosting us.

The Futures Agency is a global network of some 30+ futurists that do speaking engagements, conferences, future ‘experiences' i.e. seminars and advisory sessions together, and individually. We always have a lot of interesting conversations when- and wherever we meet face-to-face, so we decided to record some of them and make them available to the public – hence this series.

Some related images for your edification 🙂

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