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My recent presentations in Greece: Sargia Exponential Leadership Event, and CEO Clubs Event Athens April 26/27


  1. CEO Clubs Event slide-deck:  technology, humanity, the future of humanity.. and Greece: PDF 15MB: CEO Clubs Greece Technology Humanity The Future Public lowres
  2. 2. Leadership seminar: that was a really amazing event!  Here is the PDF with my slide-deck (expanded version with online polls):  PDF: sargia leadership athens gerd leonhard PUBLIC DECK low res

“Enterprise leadership has until now been largely based on military examples – hence the chief “officers” of various kinds. But because of exponential technological developments, leadership is changing in radical ways, as well. Technology and leadership are two interacting agents who need to co-evolve. The leaders of the new era need to redefine their roles into this system and adapt to the ever-growing demands.

  • How can you grasp the changing nature of your role above and beyond shareholder value?
  • What human skills will you need to evolve alongside the strategic, financial or technological and engineering ones you may have already mastered?
  • And how can you leave backward-looking, or ‘toxic-assumption’ – decision making behind and start deploying a future mindset with exponential thinking?

In this experiential seminar, Gerd Leonhard addresses a world of leadership where most of the old models are suddenly obsolete, and delivers inspirational precepts from the parallel worlds of imagination and invention to update your thinking for a digital age.

You will be inspired to abandon linear approaches and incremental progress mindsets, and start embracing uncertainty until you are able to see around the “corner” towards your exponential growth. Unfolding the leadership of the future, you will also understand why you need to engage your people on this journey of continuous learning and adaptation…”






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