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Health and Medical

A.I. Versus M.D.: knowing how versus knowing that (a key distinction)

“In 1945, the British philosopher Gilbert Ryle gave an influential lecture about two kinds of knowledge. A child knows that a bicycle has two wheels, that its tires are filled with air, and that you ride the contraption by pushing its pedals forward in circles. Ryle termed this kind of knowledge—the factual, propositional kind—“knowing that.” But to learn to ride a bicycle involves another realm of learning. A child learns how to ride by falling off, by balancing herself on two wheels, by going over potholes. Ryle termed this kind of knowledge—implicit, experiential, skill-based—“knowing how.”

The two kinds of knowledge would seem to be interdependent: you might use factual knowledge to deepen your experiential knowledge, and vice versa. But Ryle warned against the temptation to think that “knowing how” could be reduced to “knowing that”—a playbook of rules couldn’t teach a child to ride a bike. Our rules, he asserted, make sense only because we know how to use them: “Rules, like birds, must live before they can be stuffed.” One afternoon, I watched my seven-year-old daughter negotiate a small hill on her bike. The first time she tried, she stalled at the steepest part of the slope and fell off. The next time, I saw her lean forward, imperceptibly at first, and then more visibly, and adjust her weight back on the seat as the slope decreased. But I hadn’t taught her rules to ride a bike up that hill. When her daughter learns to negotiate the same hill, I imagine, she won’t teach her the rules, either. We pass on a few precepts about the universe but leave the brain to figure out the rest.”

A.I. Versus M.D.
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U.S. panel endorses babies gene-edited with CRISPR – this is huge

“On Tuesday, in a striking acknowledgement that humanity is on the cusp of genetically modified children, a panel of the National Academy of Sciences, the nation’s source of blue-ribbon advice on science policy, recommended that germ-line modification of human beings be permitted in the future in certain narrow circumstances to prevent the birth of children with serious diseases.”

U.S. panel endorses babies gene-edited with CRISPR
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Does googling our medical symptoms make us sicker – and is software ‘cheating the world’?

“The web has the potential to increase anxieties of people who have little or no medical training,” White and Horvitz concluded, “especially when web search is employed as a diagnostic procedure.” Now, seven years later, even Google admits that “health content on the web can be difficult to navigate, and tends to lead people from mild symptoms to scary and unlikely conditions, which can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress.””

Googling our medical symptoms is making us sicker
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AI doctors will become ‘as ubiquitous as stethoscopes’ (Wired UK)

“The role of an AI doctor isn't intended to replace the human component, but rather complement it. "It's about augmenting or complementing; the role of the human doctor is in building the relationship. It's the skills that humans have – the compassion, the ability to abstract, to generalise, to have common sense, to have morals. These are all key aspects. Technology should be used to improve these relationships, not make them harder."”

AI doctors will become 'as ubiquitous as stethoscopes' (Wired UK)
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You’re Only Human, But Your Kids Could Be So Much More – says Paul Knoepfler (Wired)

“I mean a designer baby. You would be literally designing and producing a new type of baby via the same sort of technology that is used to make a GM tomato, mouse, or monkey. The baby would be a genetically modified human or, to phrase it in an edgier manner, a GM human.”

You’re Only Human, But Your Kids Could Be So Much More
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