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Technology and Humanity

My film “Twice upon a Time”: New edit with only the Good 2030!

This is a special new edit of my recent film Twice Upon a Time see and We received a lot of feedback about the 'lousy 2030' part being a bit too long and dystopian so we figured we'd also offer a new edit that features only the good 2030 aka #thegoodfuture :) I hope you enjoy this version; if so, please be sure to subscribe and share it widely! This film is a passionate call for action to everyone - we must act now to ensure the good future. Our attitude contains our future, and the choices we make today create our future. We are to be architects of the future - not its victims (Buckminster Fuller).

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What You Need to Know Episode #3: Why we should be optimistic about the future. New video by futurist Gerd Leonhard.

What kind of future do we want for our children? What kind of ancestor will we be? So you may ask: How do we maintain HOPE and a positive outlook in a world that (right now, in August 2022) seems to go from bad to worse - climate emergency, war, inflation, food crises, energy crises, fake news, disinformation and the global decline of democracy. Yet, riffing off Kevin Kelly's protopia I derive hope from the fact that while our problems seem to be increasing, our capacity to deal with them is increasing even faster.

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New: Futurist Friday Podcast Interview with Gerd Leonhard: TheGoodFuture?

In this interview, Gerd Leonhard points out that “the future is already here, we just haven’t paid enough attention to it.” He talks about how technology is making us superhuman, that we are in the biggest shift in history as far as energy and climate are concerned, and that machines and artificial intelligence are starting to emulate humanity.

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