New: Try my AI Bot new film

Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard’s short film on technology versus humanity #techvshuman

I am very excited to announce the release of my new short film “Technology versus Humanity”. This film marks the beginning of a new period for me, with much of my future work focusing on the topic of how exponential technological changes are changing what and who we are, as humans, where this is going in the next 15 years, and what we need to do, TODAY, to make sure that these changes will indeed be beneficial to us.

For this film, I was very fortunate to be able to team up with Story7 and Jean Francois Cardella as producer and director, and Jeremy Joly as DOP. They made this film very special – thanks!  We shot most of the footage in Cannes and the surrounding area – see some of the pics below.  If you like this movie, please share it and spread the word, or submit a comment below and let me know what you think.  Thanks!  New hashtag as of today:  #techversushuman

Related stuff I write, tweet, speak and think about: #manmachine    #AIFutures    #machinethinking    Digital Ethics    Automation    The future of work and jobs    Humarithms – not just algorithms   #datawars    The Future Show Videos

Download the high res MP4 version (creative commons license with attribution / non-commercial applies)

Update, August 10 2015: Here is a version with Turkish subtitles – a big thank you to my Futurist colleague Ufuk Tarhan!

Don't miss my other videos from TheFutureShow series

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