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New podcast: a conversation with Tim Leberecht (The Business Romantic) and Gerd Leonhard (Technology vs Humanity)

I just recently discovered Tim Leberecht's work on Ted and on Youtube, and am currently reading his book ‘The Business Romantic.' Similar to fellow futurist Richard Watson, and fellow ‘team human' thinker Douglas Rushkoff, my work and Tim's work have some pretty amazing overlaps, and many of our key messages (see some of mine, below) are very similar.

Below is a very special podcast / conversation recorded on Dec 22, 2016, during which we discuss the key messages in our 2 books, and the overall technology versus humanity challenges facing us in the near future.  Tim and me will collaborate more in the future, including a very special event we will be curating at the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona – stay tuned for updates via my newsletter.

Find out more about my new book ‘Technology vs Humanity', read the TVH cheat sheet, buy the book on Amazon (this link automatically takes you to your local amazon site), or order it directly from my publisher (all formats; bulk orders at a discount)

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