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Meet Futurist Gerd Leonhard in Athens April 26 / 27: Exponential thinking / Future of Leadership

I'm delighted to collaborate with Sargia Partners, led by Georgia Kartsanis, to bring 2 very special workshops to beautiful Athens, April 26 and 27, 2017.  Here is an early announcement of the first event, April 26. Read more or sign-up here. More details will be announced soon. If you're around please join us; and if you have friends or colleagues in Greece please pass this on. Thanks.

Topics to be discussed at this event:
Until just recently, business and organisational leadership has been based mostly on a linear and gradual view of change. The goal was innovation, not transformation; and efficiency was often the chief argument behind using more technology. But now, ‘business as usual' is dead or dying –  because of exponential technological change in areas such as intelligent / cognitive machines and artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, robots and digital assistants and Industry 4.0.  Automation will, for example, prove to be a much bigger challenge to our society than globalisation.

Leadership is changing in exponential ways, as well – technology and leadership are two interacting agents who need to co-evolve.  Everything that can be digitized and automated, will be – yet everything that cannot be automated will become extremely valuable. Humanity (culture, people) still eats technology for breakfast – yet we must understand and embrace exponential technological change to be able to discover and design our preferred future.  We must learn how to think exponential while remaining linear humans, and in the coming exponential age, leadership will be just as much about ethics and values as it will be about profit and growth.





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