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The Covid19 crisis is creating an emotional roller-coaster: how do YOU deal with the CoronaCoaster?

Inspired by recent piece in the economist “The rules of Corona-Speak

“Start with the coronaverse, which people everywhere now inhabit, or the quarantimes, the era in which they now live. Early fears of the total breakdown of society in a coronapocalypse have proved, thankfully, too pessimistic. But viral anxiety reigns, as do complaints of Zoom fatigue. Participants appear on screen for meetings with a quaransheen of unwashed sweat on their faces. Feelings seem to be on an emotional coronacoaster. Meanwhile, covidiots are spurning lockdown restrictions in ways likely to make the pandemic worse, amid an infodemic of dodgy news and half-informed coronasplaining. At least there is a locktail hour at the end of the week (or, for many, at the end of most days).

Most of these coronacoinages—whether you have encountered them before or not—make sense on their face. But why exactly do they work? To answer that, it helps to look at some efforts that do not. What, for example, is a morona? A pancessionSmizing…”

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