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Barry Schwartz #mustread on efficiency and why ‘too much of a good thing can be a very bad thing’

The term used to describe this approach to decision-making is satisficing. And satisficing with an eye toward a radically uncertain future might be called robust satisficing. Satisficing is a form of insurance – insurance against financial meltdowns, global pandemics, nasty bosses, boring teachers and crappy roommates. Insurance can seem stodgy – like the guy who wears a belt and suspenders. Perhaps we don’t need both, but what happens if we have neither?

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New video of my virtual Keynote at Brazil Futures Summit: our future with/post Corona

This is part 1 of my virtual keynote at the Brazil Futures Summit on June 19, 2020, showcasing my new virtual keynote style with immersive 'weather-man animations'. For more details on the event please go to In this talk I share my thoughts on the with/post corona future and what I call the Great Transformation: BigTech, BigHealth BigState. Survive, collaborate, show solidarity, adapt, transform.

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Join us for the Transhumanist vs. Humanist Online Debate with Calum Chace and Gerd Leonhard April 23rd 2020

Calum Chace (the transhumanist) is a global keynote speaker and best-selling writer about the future impact of AI. His best-known books on AI are Surviving AI and The Economic Singularity. More at Gerd Leonhard (the humanist) is a top-rated Futurist, the Author of Technology vs Humanity, the CEO of The Futures Agency and a Global Keynote Speaker see

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