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Future Scenarios

New video of my virtual Keynote at Brazil Futures Summit: our future with/post Corona

This is part 1 of my virtual keynote at the Brazil Futures Summit on June 19, 2020, showcasing my new virtual keynote style with immersive 'weather-man animations'. For more details on the event please go to In this talk I share my thoughts on the with/post corona future and what I call the Great Transformation: BigTech, BigHealth BigState. Survive, collaborate, show solidarity, adapt, transform.

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Stop asking pundits to predict the future after the coronavirus. It doesn’t exist (Mark Lilla via NYT)

"The best prophet, Thomas Hobbes once wrote, is the best guesser. That would seem to be the last word on our capacity to predict the future: We can’t. But it is a truth humans have never been able to accept. People facing immediate danger want to hear an authoritative voice they can draw assurance from; they want to be told what will occur, how they should prepare, and that all will be well. We are not well designed, it seems, to live in uncertainty. Rousseau exaggerated only slightly when he said that when things are truly important, we prefer to be wrong than to believe nothing at all"

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