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Americans love technology, but are not so sure about enhancing their bodies (Pew Study, WaPo)

“a majority of Americans said they would be “very” or “somewhat” worried about three specific biomedical technologies chosen by Pew: gene editing, brain chips and synthetic blood. In all these cases, worry about the technology outweighs the excitement people feel about it.”

Americans love technology, but we aren’t so sure about using it to enhance our bodies
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Only the privileged fear a robot revolution? (No, I don’t agree but … read this anyway)

“When you think of the millions of lives that could be saved and improved by access to basic healthcare and education, it makes the idea of fearing the further advancement of artificial intelligence seem myopic. The fact of the matter is that any developments in a robot revolution are going to look quite differently depending on where you happen to live in this world.”

Only the privileged fear a robot revolution
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The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and Consciousness: Simulation is not duplication (via Robert Lawrence Kuhn)

Totally spot-on !!

“The one mistake we must avoid,” Searle cautioned, “is supposing that if you simulate it, you duplicate it. A deep mistake embedded in our popular culture is that simulation is equivalent to duplication. But of course it isn’t. A perfect simulation of the brain — say, on a computer — would be no more conscious than a perfect simulation of a rainstorm would make us all wet”

The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
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