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Human Poker Pros Are Getting Trounced By Artificial Intelligence – is this a big deal?

“We’re at the halfway point of the epic 20-day, 150,000-hand “Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence” Texas Hold’em Poker tournament, and a machine named Libratus is trouncing a quartet of professional human players. Should the machine maintain its substantial lead—currently at $701,242—it will be considered a major milestone in the history of AI. Here’s why.”

Why It Matters That Human Poker Pros Are Getting Trounced By an AI
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Everything You Know About Artificial Intelligence is Wrong (good gizmodo read)

“NYU research psychologist Gary Marcus has said that “virtually everyone” who works in AI believes that machines will eventually overtake us: “The only real difference between enthusiasts and skeptics is a time frame.” Futurists like Ray Kurzweil think it could happen within a couple of decades, while others say it could take centuries.”

Everything You Know About Artificial Intelligence is Wrong
via Instapaper

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