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Leadership during crisis: a free digital conference with Didier Marlier, Celine Schillinger and Gerd Leonhard, April 16 2020

Don't miss this: April 16 4pm free Online Conference on Leadership during Crisis

With Didier Marlier, Celine Schillinger and Gerd Leonhard

We are in a deep and utterly challenging crisis. I have started calling this ‘The Great Transformation‘.  Basically, there is a time before Covid19, and there’s a time after Covid19. Leadership is even more mission-critical now – both personally and professionally. Covid-19 presents us all – political, civil, community and & business leaders – with a never seen before Transformation Challenge: How should we react to this remarkably adaptive, fast-spreading and vexing adversary, all-too-often amplified by human complacency, incompetence, carelessness and selfishness? (Read Noah Yuval Harari’s juicy comment on leadership during covid19 via, and visit my new post-corona-future hub).

The “Sanitary Wave” of this “Transformation Challenge” is only the first one. It is already followed by a huge economic threat. Yet we believe there are also some positive outcomes… read this.

This free online conference aims to reflect and share insights and experiences on how to lead during the Covid-19 crisis, and afterwards. This is a free event but we only have 500 seats so… sign up quickly, here.

“Only a crisis produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around…” Milton Friedman

Click the play-button below to watch the LIVE-STREAM or archived video (during/after the event).


Didier Marlier (Futures Agency/StratX/Enablers Network) is Board Adviser and Business School Professor. He will share his observations

on what the emerging “Corona Leaders” do differently from traditional leaders, who are struggling with the “Great Transformation”.

Céline Schillinger (We Need Social) is a change practitioner and Engagement Leadership advisor. Drawing on her corporate activism & digital community experience, she will outline how leaders can create vibrant and impactful “virtual collectives” with a real impact.

Gerd Leonhard is a leading Futurist & Humanist, Keynote Speaker, Author of 5 books (most recently: Technology vs Humanity) and a Film-Maker. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts in London, and the CEO of The Futures Agency in Zürich / Switzerland.


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