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VI Nobel Fest ’23 in Astana Kazakhstan: Humans, Artificial Intelligence & The Future: the first of my two keynotes on the 5th of Oct 2023

VI Nobel Fest '23

At this year's VI Nobel Fest in Astana, Kazakhstan, I presented two keynote speeches. On the first day, I was gifted a regal Kazakh chapan before I went on stage. Cool! Overall, this was a very enjoyable and happy event.

Some of my key messages from my speech were:

  • The next 10 years will bring more change than the previous 100 years. We'll see 6 King / Queen – Makers: AI, quantum computing, nuclear fusion, synthetic biology, genome editing and geoengineering
  • Technology can be heaven or hell – it's our job to make sure it's mostly heaven digital ethics – and this is crucial when we talk about AI!
  • Imagine if the social media disaster is further amplified by perfect disinformation and fake news that generative AI excels at.
  • We will have all the tools (science and technology) – but will we have the Telos?
  • If we roll out AI and AGI just to fuel more profit and growth, things will not end well for us.
  • Embrace the 3 revolutions: The Digital Revolution (info tech, biotech, energy / climate tech, and AI tech), The Sustainability Revolution, and the Purpose Revolution.

– For the Kazakh overdubbed version of my keynote, click here:))

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